Amusement Park ‘Yippee Land’ In Final Stage Of Operation In Itahari

February 28, 2021 | Investopaper
An amusement park ‘Yippee Land’ is in the final stages of operation in Itahari with an investment of Rs 30 cores. The park, which was pushed back one year due to Covid 19, has been officially opened.

Spread over an area of ​​6 bigha in Itahari 2, this park is the first amusement park in Nepal with many facilities. The park has been constructed targeting the tourists visiting Itahari and it will provide full entertainment to the tourists.

The amusement park opened near Lake Talaiya can accommodate 1,000 tourists daily.

There is no charge for children below 3 feet and old people above 70 years in this park. There is also a special facility for students. There is a fee of Rs 650 for students and Rs 750 for others.

The park will have 8 state-of-the-art water slides. A maximum of eight people can play on one slide at a time. 5,000 people can be entertained daily in the park. The park has a wave bridge that can accommodate 600 people at a time. A zip line tower has been built in the park. You can play the game of slipping on the rope from one tower to another. Also, a wall climbing place has been built. 


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