Dividend declaration by IME General Insurance

May 24, 2019 | Investopaper

IME General Insurance (IGI) has declared the dividend to its shareholders from the profit of FY 2074/75.

The 77th board of directors meeting of the company held on 2076-02-09 has decided to propose a  5% Bonus share to its shareholders subject to the approval of the Insurance Board. The company informed Nepse about the dividend on Jestha 9, 2076.

As of now, the paid-up capital stands at 97.20 crores. After the adjustment of 5 percent bonus shares, the paid up capital of the company will reach the minimum requirement of 1 Arab.

The shareholders must pay the tax on bonus shares in order to receive the bonus shares in their Demat Account.

See the financial highlights of the company till the third quarter below:

Headings IME General
Paid up capital (Rs. ‘crores’) 97.2
Reserve & Surplus (Rs. ‘crores’) 19.44
Total Premium (Rs. ‘crores’) 90.23
Net Premium (Rs. ‘crores’) 39.52
Net Claim(Rs. ‘crores’) 15.06
Total Outstanding Claim (Rs. ‘crores’) 30.9
Net Profit (Rs. ‘Crores’) 10
Earnings Per Share (Rs.) 13.72
Net-worth Per Share (Rs.) 143.46




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