Down Piluwa Khola Hydropower Project (10.3 MW) In Final Stage Of Construction

September 1, 2022 | Investopaper

The 10.3 MW Down Piluwa River Hydropower Project under construction in Sankhuwasabha is in the final stage of construction. About 98 percent of the work of the project has been completed so far. River Falls Power Company is developing the project at Dharmadevi and Chainpur Municipalities of Sankhuwasabha.

As per the company, the project will begin trial electricity production within 2 next months after the completion of the construction work.

The estimated cost of the project is around Rs 1.89 billion. The project has received Rs 1.32 billion loan through co-financing led by Citizens Bank International. Two other banks, Nepal Investment Bank and Prabhu Bank have also invested in the project. Citizens Bank has provided loans of Rs 650 million, Nepal Investment Bank Rs. 420 million and Prabhu Bank Rs. 250 million. Likewise, the promoters will inject the remaining 30 percent of the total cost amount.

After the completion of the construction, the generated electricity will be connected to the Nepal Electricity Authority’s Chainpur Baneshwor-based substation.

The project will generate 57.685-gigawatt hours of electricity annually. As per the company, the project generates 50 gigawatt-hours of electricity in winter and 7.685 gigawatt-hours in the rainy season.

Suggested Readings:

List Of Hydropower Projects In Nepal (Developed By Private Sector)

List Of Hydro-power Projects With Construction License


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