Export Of Apples From Jumla Falls By 44 Percent This Year
February 25, 2021 | Investopaper
Only Rs 19 crores worth of apples have been exported from Jumla this year. According to the District Agriculture Development Office, the export of apples from Jumla has reduced from the previous year. Last year, about Rs 34 crores worth of apples was exported from Jumla.
The income from apples has declined this year due to the fall in the production by almost half. Jumla, which produced 12,000 metric tonnes of apples last year, has produced only 6,002 metric tonnes this year.
16,000 households in Jumla depend on apple farming. At least 1,000 hours of minus temperature is required for apple cultivation. The apple production was declining due to low snowfall and lack of moisture in the soil.