Facebook users affected by worldwide outage

March 14, 2019 | Investopaper

Facebook users reported the problem in its main product and messaging apps plus Instagram this Wednesday. The disruption in the services was observed from around 10 pm NST.

The cause for the interruption is yet to be published. But the company has already falsified the rumors that the cause of the outage was due to Distributed Denial of Service Attack (DDoS). DDoS is a type of DOS attack where multiple compromised systems, which are often infected with a Trojan, are used to target a single system causing a Denial of Service (DoS) attack.

The users reported that they were not being able to make a post or comment although the main page was loading. Similarly, Instagram users could not refresh feeds or post new photos. Similarly, Facebook messenger users were not able to chat through desktop version while mobile app also showed glitch in sending other contents like images. Also, Whatsapp users reported similar problems.

Facebook claims to have around 2.3 billion users globally today.


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