Global IME Bank Signs Agreement With Ncell | Global Sahayatri Remittance Account Holders To Receive Free Sahayatri SIM

October 20, 2021 | Investopaper

Global IME Bank Limited signed an agreement with Ncell Axiata Limited to provide free SIM card and free data package to operate mobile banking to the new account holders of GLOBAL SAHAYATRI REMMITANCE BACHAT KHATA.

Global Sahayatri Remittance Bacaht Khata is a saving account for aspiring migrant workers, beneficiaries and any Nepali citizen who have remittance income.

The agreement was signed by Chief Executive Officer of Global IME Bank Mr. Ratna Raj Bajracharya and Chief Executive Officer of Ncell Mr. Andy Chong amidst a program held at Corporate Office of Global IME Bank at Kamaladi, Kathmandu.

As per the agreement, customers who open Global Sahayatri Remmitance Bachat Khata and apply for mobile banking (Global Smart Plus) shall get free SIM card with 250mb data to operate the mobile banking app. The free Sahayatri sim holder will get Rs 20 main balance, 20 min on-net voice, 20 on-net SMS and 200 MB data. Additionally on recharge of Rs. 100 and above within 2 days of SIM activation, customer will get 100 min on-net voice pack and 100 MB data. There is also 10% bonus balance every recharge till one year and discounted call rate in India, Malaysia and Middle East countries.

Keeping up with the motto “The Bank for All”, Global IME Bank has been providing  banking services to 2.6 Million plus customers from its full-fledged 840+ outlets which includes 281 branches, 251 ATMs, 260 Branchless Banking points, 48 extension and revenue collection counters and 3 International Representative Offices.


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