Gurkhas Finance EPS stands at Rs.14.11 in Q2

February 13, 2020 | Investopaper

Gurkhas Finance has reported a meager increase in net profit by 0.49 percent in the second quarter of the fiscal year 2076/77. The company earned a net profit of 6.12 crores in the first six months of the fiscal year. Meanwhile, the net interest income of the company rose by 129.01 percent to 17.29 crores from 7.55 crores in the corresponding quarter.

The company has collected a deposit amounting to Rs. 6.68 Arba from the customers which is a 2.34 percent decline in the six months period. On the other hand, it has floated loans amounting to 5.74 Arab to the customers in the first six months of the fiscal year.

The paid-up capital of the finance company stands at 86.65 crores whereas the reserve and surplus stand at Rs. 58.61 crores. NPL of the company stands at 4.26 percent whereas it has the base rate of 12.76 percent. The company has an earning per share (EPS) of 14.11 and net worth per share is Rs. 167.36.

The financial highlights can be summarized as below:


HEADINGS 2nd QTR, 2076/77 4th QTR, 2075/76 PERCENT CHANGE
PAID-UP CAPITAL (Rs. In crores) 86.65 86.65 0.00
RESERVE & SURPLUS (Rs. In crores) 58.61 52.78 11.05
DEPOSITS from Customers(Rs. In Arba) 6.68 6.84 -2.34
LOANS To Customers(Rs. In Arba) 5.74 5.14 11.67
HEADINGS 2nd QTR, 2076/77 2nd QTR, 2076/77 PERCENT CHANGE
NET INTEREST INCOME (Rs. In crores) 17.29 7.55 129.01
PROFIT (Rs. In crores) 6.12 6.09 0.49
NON PERFORMING LOANS, NPL (%) 4.26 4.32 -1.39
BASE RATE(%) 12.76 12.99 -1.77
MARKET PRICE PER SHARE (Rs.) [Poush end, 2076] 121
P/E RATIO 8.58


The above figures are based on the unaudited second-quarter report published by the respective company. Investors are advised to take other things into consideration along with this report while making investment decisions. The numbers may vary after the final audit.

Note: The share price, as well as the P/E ratio, is based on the data of Poush end, 2076. At current, the numbers may vary.


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