Budget Of Rs.103.18 Billion For Health Sector

May 30, 2022 | Investopaper

The government has allocated Rs. 103.18 billion for the Ministry of Health and Population for the Fiscal Year 2079/80. 

Presenting the budget on Sunday, Finance Minister Janardan Sharma allocated Rs 69.38 billion for the Ministry of Health and Population of the federal government. Similarly, Rs. 6.36 billion has been allocated for the state governments and Rs. 27.44 billion to the local level.

The budget has focused to provide accessible and quality health services by expanding the access of general public to basic health services. 

The government has allocated Rs. 10 billion for the construction of 655 basic hospitals under construction at the local level in the coming fiscal year. Likewise, 98 types of medicines will be provided free of cost from government health institutions.

Similarly, a budget of Rs 200 million has been allocated for the purchase of dialysis machines for free dialysis in all the provincial hospitals which provide free kidney transplants for the patients.


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