Number Of Online Share Traders In Nepal Reach 11 Lakhs
October 25, 2021 | Investopaper
The number of investors trading shares online has reached nearly 11 lakhs as of last Friday.
According to Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE), about 11,32,374 investors (individual and institutional) have taken the ‘login’ username and password facility for online transactions. The number of investors doing business online is 95 percent more than those who have ‘logged in’. As of Ashad 2078 BS, there were 877,000 investors trading in the secondary market.
Out of the total investors, the number of women investors trading in the secondary market has reached 400,000. Until the previous year, there were about 1,50,000 female investors tradings in NEPSE.
At current, about 4,539,931 investors have opened Demat accounts. Out of which, 3,652,978 have taken Mero share facility. The total number of investors in the market can be found based on the number of Demat accounts. Currently, the Demat account is mandatory to invest in the primary and secondary market.
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