IPO Result: Allotment Of Rasuwagadhi And Sanjen Jalavidyut Concludes
May 2, 2019 | Investopaper
The IPO allotment of Rasuwagadhi Hydropower and Sanjen Jalavidyut has concluded today. Rasuwagadhi and Sanjen issued shares worth Rs. 1.02 arba and Rs. 54.75 crore respectively to the general public from Baisakh 6, 2076. The issue received an overwhelming response from share investors.
Related: How To View IPO Result In Meroshare?
Siddhartha Capital, the issue manager of Rasuwagadhi Hydropower IPO issue has informed that all the valid applicants will receive a minimum of 40 units of share while lucky 25,693 out of valid 2,91,272 applicants will receive the remaining shares.
Similarly, Citizen Investment Trust, the issue manager of Sanjen IPO has informed that all the valid applicants have received a minimum of 10 units share and lucky 209,328 applicants out of total 288,897 have received an additional ten unit of shares.
Related: How to apply IPO/FPO/Right Share through Mero Share?
Sanjel ko ipo listing vayenani
Rasuwa gadi ipo share listed but sanjen ipo is not listed why?
Sanjen IPO not listed in my portfolio why?
Please, sanjen hydropower ipo share is not listed Why?
Sanjen hydropower IPO share is not listed portfolio, please
My sanjen IPO not is listed in my portfolio why ?
My share of sanjen is not yet listed in my D Mat …why?
Sanjen IPO not listed in my portfolio why?
Sir Sanjen iPod not listed in my portfolio please give information sir
Sanjen and rasuwaghadhi ipo are not seen now days why?
I also do not see the Sanjen IPO in my profile 🙁 🙁 🙁
When shall i get result of ipo of sanjen hydropower
Sanjen ko share 3 yrs paxi matra kharidbikri garna paune vayer hola sanchakosh wala ko listing navaa
Mero 40 kitta pareko thiyo tar mero portfolio ma dekhidain. Aajbholi ipo result herda not alloutment lekheko dekhinchh. Ke bhayeko hola
Mero 40 kitta share pareko thyo sanjen ko bt still it is not shown in protfolie Why?
Sanchaya kosh ko vanera sanjen ko share allot vayeko thiyo ahile meroshare ma dekhaudai na kina hola ??
why the Sanjen’s share not listed in my portfolio?
Why the sanjen’s share is not listed in my portfolio?
Why the sanjens share is not listed in my portfolio
मैले रसुवागढी हाईड्रोपावर कम्पनीको र sanjen हाईड्रोपावरको share apply गरेको थिएं | रसुवागढीको चाही 70 कित्ता पर्यो | त्यो meroshare को list मा देखाएको छ| तर sanjen को 40 कित्ता mero share को list मा छैन किन होला ?
रसुवा गडि र सान्जेन शेयर ७०/४० िकता परेकाे िथयाे कसरी मेराे िडमेट खातामा ल्याउने हाेला ।
साञ्जेल हाइड्रोपावरको mero share मा देखाउँदैन किन होला ?
Why Sanjen share is not listed in my portfolio ?
Mero ipo result kin dekhayena
Same problem Meroma pani dekhiyeko xa….. Sanjen MA Mero pani 40kitta pareko ho. Tara appsma dekhaudaina kina hola hajur…. Jankari pauna paye hunthyo…..
same problem mero pani answer katai baata pani aaudaina k ho???
Sanjen ko share kina mero share ma dekhiyena?malai jankari pau
Sanjen hydropower not listed in my portopholio why boid no 1301400000019649 balibhadra neupane
Not showing sajen results
mero pani sanjen ma 40 kitta pareko ho bt mero pani dekhaudina kinho? jankari pauna
Mero pani sanjen 40 Kitta pareko
Mero pani sanjen 40 Kitta pareko ho bt mero pani dekhaudina kinahola?jankari pauna
sanjenko pareko share dekhaudain ta.
Sanjen hydropower IPO share is not listed portfolio, please
sanjen hydropower and madhya bhotekoshi hydropower ipo share are not listed in my portfolio,why?
My inquiry is also the same as most of the investors why my sanjen share is not listed in my portfolio??
Rasuwagadhi ipo is not listed in my account why???