Net Profit Of Microfinance Companies Listed In Nepal Stock Exchange
February 16, 2022 | Investopaper
Profit is the major indicator for any business operation. Higher profitability is associated with the success of the business venture. Net Profit is the income available for the distribution to the shareholders after deducting all the operating expenses along with taxes. Hence, it is essential that the company generates decent profit in order to provide an adequate return on investment to the shareholders.
In the first six months of the current fiscal year 2078/79, Chhimek Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited has posted the highest net profit of Rs 49.84 crores. It is closely followed by Nirdhan Utthan Laghubitta with net profit of Rs 49.39 crores. Likewise, Forward Laghubitta earned Rs 45.80 crores in the six months period.
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The table below presents the net profit generated by the microfinance companies listed in Nepal Stock Exchange.
Net Profit Of Microfinance Companies Listed In Nepal Stock Exchange
SN | Microfinance Companies | Symbol | Net Profit (In Rs. Crores) |
1 | Chhimek Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited | CBBL | 49.84 |
2 | Nirdhan Utthan Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited | NUBL | 49.39 |
3 | Forward Microfinance Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. | FOWAD | 45.8 |
4 | Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta Bittya Sanstha Ltd | JBLB | 40.16 |
5 | NIC ASIA Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited | NICLBSL | 35.48 |
6 | Deprosc Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited | DDBL | 33.44 |
7 | Sana Kisan Bikas Bank Ltd | SKBBL | 32.38 |
8 | Mero Microfinance Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. | MERO | 26.65 |
9 | National Microfinance Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. | NMFBS | 24.61 |
10 | Swabalamban Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited | SWBBL | 23.51 |
11 | Grameen Bikas Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. | GBLBS | 19 |
12 | RMDC Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. | RMDC | 16.85 |
13 | Global IME Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. | GILB | 14.78 |
14 | Nerude Laghubita Bikas Bank Limited | NLBBL | 13.16 |
15 | Mirmire Microfinance Development Bank Ltd. | MMFDB | 12.16 |
16 | First Micro Finance Development Bank Ltd. | FMDBL | 10.44 |
17 | Laxmi Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. | LLBS | 9.24 |
18 | Swarojgar Laghu Bitta Bikas Bank Ltd. | SLBBL | 9.01 |
19 | Asha Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd | ALBSL | 8.73 |
20 | Summit Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited | SMFDB | 8.5 |
21 | Kalika Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd | KMCDB | 8.4 |
22 | Infinity Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited | ILBS | 8.27 |
23 | Mahila Lagubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited | MLBSL | 8.18 |
24 | Sadhana Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited | SDLBSL | 7.57 |
25 | NMB Microfinance Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. | NMBMF | 7.25 |
26 | Vijaya laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. | VLBS | 6.84 |
27 | Sabaiko laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. | SABSL | 5.71 |
28 | Mahuli Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited | MSLB | 5.56 |
29 | RSDC Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. | RSDC | 4.89 |
30 | Naya Sarathi Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited | NSLB | 4.63 |
31 | Kisan Lagubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited | KLBSL | 4.52 |
32 | Aarambha Chautari Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited | ACLBSL | 4.35 |
33 | Janautthan Samudayic Laghubitta Bikas Bank Ltd. | JSLBB | 4.19 |
34 | Samata Gharelu Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited | SMATA | 3.55 |
35 | Mithila LaghuBitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited | MLBBL | 3.46 |
36 | Unnati Sahakarya Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited | USLB | 2.74 |
37 | Samudayik Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited | SLBSL | 2.58 |
38 | Swabhimaan Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited | SMFBS | 2.19 |
39 | Manushi Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited | MLBS | 1.51 |
40 | Manakamana Smart Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited | MKLB | 1.03 |
41 | Support Microfinance Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. | SMB | 0.99 |
42 | Ganapati Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited | GMFBS | 0.96 |
43 | Gurans Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited | GLBSL | 0.73 |
44 | Wean Nepal Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited | WNLB | 0.17 |
45 | Civil Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. | CLBSL | – |
Source: Unaudited Q2 Report, FY 2078/79
Note: The net profit of microfinance companies is based on the unaudited second-quarterly report of the fiscal year 2078/79. After the audit, the numbers may vary.
The microfinance companies currently in merger/acquisition are excluded.
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