Ngadi Group Power To Close Auction Of 12,57,290 Unsold Right Shares From Ashwin 13

September 29, 2022 | Investopaper

Ngadi Group Power Limited (NGPL) is currently selling unsold right shares in the auction. The auction is open from Ashwin 2, 2079 BS.

Shares In Auction: 12,57,290

The general public, firm and companies can also submit the application for the purchase of shares. Interested investors can submit the bids until Ashwin 13, 2079 BS.


How To Apply For Auction Of Shares In Nepal? [Step By Step]

The minimum price of the share has been set at Rs 100. When submitting a bid, the investor will have to apply at Rs 100 or above per share. Bidder at a higher price will receive the shares.

One can submit the bid  for a minimum of 100 shares and maximum of full shares. Siddhartha Capital Limited is the sales manager for the auction of shares.

The application form can by purchased at Rs 100 from Siddhartha Capital Limited, Naxal, Kathmandu and the allocated branches of Siddhartha Bank.


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