Poultry Business In Nepal Loses Rs 20 Billion Due To Lockdown

June 21, 2020 | Investopaper

It has been three months since the government launched a nationwide lockdown against Covid 19. The poultry business in Nepal has lost about estimated Rs 20 billion in the last three months.

A memorandum submitted by the Nepal Poultry Federation, an umbrella organization of poultry entrepreneurs, seeking relief from the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock two weeks after the lockdown began, states that a daily loss of Rs 220 million would be incurred. In this regard, the loss in 90 days of lockdown is Rs 19.80 billion.

The association has stated that there were 35 million broilers, 14.5 million layers and 6.25 million mother (parent) chickens in Nepal when the lockdown started. Three months ago, the daily production was 950,000 kg of meat, 5 million eggs and 714,000 chickens and 3,500 metric tonnes of grains. The association further claims that all kinds of poultry production is losing Rs. 220 million daily due to the lockdown.

Rs 1.50 Billion Investment In Poultry Business In Nepal

The country is considered to be self-sufficient in poultry, which at one time contributes up to four percent to the GDP. Occupying a large portion of poultry throughout the country, Chitwan is known as the capital of poultry. Of the Rs 150 billion investment in the poultry sector across the country, 60 percent is in Chitwan. One lakh 80 thousand people have got direct employment.

Two hundred out of one thousand poultry suppliers across the country selling and buying eggs, chickens, chickens and grains are in Chitwan. About two lakh people have got employment from the poultry sector across the country. A central office of Nepal Poultry Entrepreneurs Forum and Nepal Poultry Federation has been established in Chitwan to manage the poultry business and coordinate among various organizations related to this business.


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