Public Enterprises In Nepal: Profit Surges to Rs 48.51 Billion | 15 Enterprises Operating in Loss

May 27, 2024 | Investopaper

44 public enterprises in Nepal have earned a cumulative profit of Rs 48.51 billion in the fiscal year 2079/80. Profits of state-owned enterprises increased by 3046 percent as compared to the FY 2078/79.

Out of the 44 public enterprises, 26 have generated profits while 15 have suffered losses. Likewise, 3 enterprises have zero transaction.

In the previous fiscal year 2077/78, out of 44 public corporations, 25 corporations had earned profit and 19 had incurred loss.

With the incline in profit, the dividend received by the state from the corporations has also increased by 70 percent in the last fiscal year. The state has received dividend of Rs. 10.45 billion in the last fiscal year through 44 corporations. Such dividend income was Rs. 6.15 billion in the fiscal year 2077/78.

Until the end of Ashad 2080 BS, the government has invested Rs. 379.72 billion as equity and Rs. 281.38 billion as loans in these public enterprises. Compared to the previous year, equity and loan investment increased by 9.19 percent and 7.86 percent respectively.

Top 5 Most Profitable Public Enterprises In Nepal

Nepal Oil Corporation has earned the highest profit. In Fiscal Year 2079/80, NOC earned Rs 11.72 billion, followed by Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) with Rs 9.40 billion and  Nepal Telecom  with Rs 7.92 billion. Citizen Investment Trust has earned a net profit of Rs 3.85 billion and Deposit & Credit Guarantee Fund has earned a net profit of Rs 3.80 billion.

S.N. Public Enterprises Profit Amount (Rs. )
1 Nepal Oil Corporation 11.72 Billion
2 Nepal Electricity Authority 9.40 Billion
3 Nepal Telecom 7.92 Billion
4 Citizen Investment Trust 3.85 Billion

Deposit & Credit Guarantee Fund

3.80 Billion

Top 5 Losing Public Enterprises In Nepal

Nepal Airlines Corporation has suffered huge losses in the fiscal year 2079/80. NAC has a loss of Rs 652.90 million followed by Nepal Drinking Water Corporation with a loss of 546.90 million. The loss of Dairy Development Corporation was Rs. 484.20 million, Udaypur Cement Factory Rs. 362.80 million and Nepal Nepal Television has generated a loss of Rs 351.2 million

S.N Public Enterprises Loss Amount (Rs.)
1 Nepal Airlines Corporation 652.90 Million
2 Nepal Drinking Water Corporation 546.90 Million

Dairy Development Corporation

484.20 Million
4 Udaypur Cement Factory 362.80 Million
5 Nepal Television 351.2 Million



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2 thoughts on “Public Enterprises In Nepal: Profit Surges to Rs 48.51 Billion | 15 Enterprises Operating in Loss

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  • October 2, 2022 at 2:12 am

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