Shree Investment & Finance (SIFC) Proposes 5.05 Percent Dividend

December 13, 2023 | Investopaper

Shree Investment & Finance Limited (SIFC) has proposed the dividend to the shareholders. The dividend announcement is from the profit of the fiscal year 2079/80.

The board meeting of the company held on Mangsir 26, 2080 BS has declared a 5.05 percent dividend. The total dividend will be in the form of cash. The company has not proposed any bonus share.

As of Ashad’s end  2080 BS, Shree Investment & Finance has a paid-up capital of Rs. 98.16 crores. At this capital, the total dividend is worth Rs. 4.95 crores.

The dividend is subject to approval from Nepal Rastra Bank and the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM).

From the previous fiscal year 2078/79, the company had distributed a 7.60 percent dividend, including a 2.40 percent bonus share and a 5.2 percent cash dividend.

Similarly, from the fiscal year 2077/78, SIFC had provided an 11 percent dividend including a 7.70 percent bonus share and a 3.30 percent cash dividend. In the fiscal year 2076/77, the finance distributed a 10.53 percent dividend. This included a 7.37 percent bonus share and a 3.16 percent cash dividend. Likewise, from the fiscal year 2075/76, Shree Investment & Finance had provided a 13 percent dividend, including a 2.35 percent bonus share and a 10.65 percent cash dividend.


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