Top 10 Companies Listed in Nepse With Highest Earnings Per Share (EPS)

November 1, 2023 | Investopaper

Earnings Per Share (EPS) is one of the important indicators while analyzing the profitability of the company. Higher EPS is preferable to the investors as it will translate into higher dividends. Hence, investors value companies with greater EPS and provide higher share prices to those companies.

Earnings Per Share (EPS) is calculated by dividing the net profit of the company by its total number of shares. Here, we have presented the list of companies with the highest Earnings Per Share (EPS).


Earnings Per Share (EPS) Explained

Top 10 Most Valuable Companies of Nepal

Top 10 Companies With Highest Earnings Per Share (EPS) – FY 2079/80

Earnings Per Share (EPS) In ‘Rs.’

Rank Companies Stock Symbol Earnings Per Share (EPS)
1 Unilever Nepal Limited UNL 1,987.08
2 Bottlers Nepal (Terai) Limited BNT 474.13
3 Bottlers Nepal (Balaju) Limited BNL 455.03
4 Rastriya  Beema Company Limited RBCL 289.73
5 Nepal Lube Oil Limited NLO 83.29
6 Aatmanirbhar Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited ANLB 77.97
7 NESDO Sambridha Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited NESDO 57.55
8 Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited NTC 43.36
9 Chhimek Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited CBBL 37.45
10 Standard Chartered Bank Limited SCB 37.39

Source: Unaudited Q4 Report, FY 2079/80

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