Book close date of one company to grab 14.30 percent dividend

April 22, 2019 | Investopaper

Today is the last day to grab the dividend of Civil Bank as well as participate in its AGM. The book-close date for the shareholders to participate in the AGM  and receive the dividend has been set as Baisakh 10, 2076. The company will be endorsing dividend of two fiscal years together through the AGM.

The shareholders will receive 10.25 percent bonus shares from the profit of the fiscal year 2073/74 and 4.05 percent cash from the profit of the last fiscal year which shall be endorsed by the AGM.

Similarly, the bank has announced its 7th and 8th AGM (combined)  to be convened on Baisakh 27, 2076 at Amritbhog, Kalikasthan from 11 pm.  The company was yet to conduct its AGM for the fiscal year 2073/74.




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