Development Alliance Nepal Enters Into 4th Year Of Operation
Bijay Raj Pokharel
Development Alliance Nepal Pvt. Ltd (DevAlliance) has completed its three years of professional operation. The company was established by the team of ex-employees of the Agricultural Development Bank in 2017 with the objectives of providing multidisciplinary consulting services to the agrobased entrepreneurs and agribusiness entities, working in public and private sectors of the country. Besides providing various services in the agricultural sector, it has been conducting training on agricultural financing modules to the banks and financial institutions.
The core team of the company is comprised of expertise in the areas of banking & finance, planning & management, monitoring & evaluation, agriculture & livestock, fishery & aquaculture, training & research and engineering.
The company has been established with a mission of delivering multi-disciplinary consulting services required by different stakeholders, entrepreneurs and development partners.
With the visions of developing a self-employed society where people are capable for creating and managing innovative development activities with excellent technical & financial skills, the company set a goal to contribute in strengthening technical, financial and managerial skills of entrepreneurs and development entities for sustainability and creating employment opportunities for developing a prosperous society.
The Milestone
The company has been providing services to various individuals and entrepreneurs working in agricultural and livestock sectors in developing necessary business plans and carrying out feasibility studies. The area of services includes livestock, fishery, horticulture, coffee, organic fertilizers, integrated projects and hotel/tourism, etc. covering all over the country.
The company has so far provided the training on Agricultural Financing to around 250 employees of the various commercial banks. The Company has developed different modules of the training such as One Day, Three Days, 5 Days and 7 Days’ packages. This type of training has helped Commercial Banks to enhance the knowledge and skill of their staff in identifying profitable, genuine agricultural projects and their proper assessment for quality lending. The training has been very successful in attaining its objectives. The facts have justified by the participants who expressed the relevancy of the training in their jobs. It is envisaged that the program ultimately helped in increasing overall agricultural portfolio of the concerned banks, thereby meeting the provision of the Nepal Rastra Bank on agricultural sector lending.
The company is also providing required engineering services (design, drawing, cost estimation, construction etc.) to agricultural and other related projects.
Major Working Areas
The company is dedicated to the development of commercial Agriculture. It provides services in all aspects of the project cycles like programming, identification, formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of projects related to agriculture and livestock, poultry, fishery and aquaculture, production, manufacturing and processing of agro projects, Integrated projects (Agriculture and Livestock), Projects related to postharvest and cold storage, etc.
—Feasibility study and detailed project report of agricultural, livestock, manufacturing, Infrastructure and related projects/business enterprises, etc.
—Development of project proposals and business plans for bank finance and consulting services in banking & agriculture financing
—Conducting training programs on banking, financing, micro credits and SMEs, etc.
—Research and household surveys
—Marketing and market surveys
—Community Development and Microfinance
—Technical Assistance and Supervision on Civil Engineering Design & Drawing and construction
—Project monitoring, supervision, evaluation and impact assessment, etc.
DevAlliance is working and collaborating with different professionals/individuals, private & public entities, national & international Organizations and Government / Non-Government Organizations/Agencies to promote enterprise development activities, conducting research & training and marketing, etc. which ultimately help in nation building and overall development of the society. While celebrating fourth anniversary, the company is more committed to work with its stakeholders for the further development of the agricultural sector.
(Mr. Bijay Raj Pokharel is an Agriculture Financing Expert, Development Alliance Nepal)