Ganapati Microfinance reports 9% profit growth until second quarter

January 21, 2020 | Investopaper

Ganapati Microfinance has reported a growth of 9 percent in profit until the second quarter of fiscal year 2076/77, as per the unaudited report. The microfinance which raised capital by almost 48 percent in a  year is able to increase the net profit to Rs. 1.66 crores. The current capital of Ganapati Microfinance is Rs. 10.35 crores. The total reserves of the company is Rs. 3.30 crores.

Ganapati Microfinance has floated the loans of Rs. 109.87 crores until the Poush end, up by 65 percent from the same period of the previous year. With the increment in loans, the net interest income also surged by 64% to Rs. 4.37 crores.

The microfinance has reduced the NPL to 0.59 percent and the cost of funds to 10.23 percent which is a good sign, amid the aggressive lending growth of 65 percent.

Looking into the per share indicators, the EPS is at a satisfactory Rs. 32.10. Likewise, the microfinance has a per-share net-worth of Rs. 131.89. The price of stock closed on Rs. 452 at the Poush end, which gives the P/E ratio of 14.08.

The second-quarter report of Ganapati Microfinance is summarized in the table below:

Ganapati Microfinance Second Quarter Report, FY 2076/77

HEADINGS 2nd QTR, 2076/77 2nd QTR, 2075/76 PERCENT CHANGE
PAID-UP CAPITAL (Rs. In crores) 10.35 7 47.86
RESERVE (Rs. In crores) 3.3 0.2 1550.00
BORROWINGS (Rs. In crores) 77.48 45.8 69.17
DEPOSITS (Rs. In crores) 28.83 17.39 65.78
LOANS  (Rs. In crores) 109.87 66.69 64.75
NET INTEREST INCOME (Rs. In crores) 4.37 2.67 63.67
PROFIT (Rs. In crores) 1.66 1.52 9.21
NON PERFORMING LOANS, NPL (%) 0.59 1.1 -46.36
COST OF FUND (%) 10.23 10.58 -3.31
MARKET PRICE PER SHARE (Rs.) [Poush end, 2076] 452
P/E RATIO 14.08

To view the full unaudited quarterly report, CLICK HERE.


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