NIBL Pragati Fund (NIBLPF) To Provide 6.80 Percent Dividend

September 1, 2023 | Investopaper

NIBL Pragati Fund (NIBLPF) has proposed the dividend to its unit-holders. The dividend declaration is from the profit of the fiscal year 2079/80.

NIBL Pragati Fund has announced a 6.80 percent cash dividend worth Rs 5.10 crores. The board meeting of NIMB Ace Capital held on Bhadra 13, 2080 BS made the dividend decision.

From the previous fiscal year 2078/79, the scheme had provided a 4.2 percent cash dividend to the unit-holders. Likewise, in the fiscal year 2077/78, NIBLPF had distributed a 50 percent cash dividend worth Rs 37.50 crores.

NIBLPF is a close-ended mutual fund scheme. NIMB Ace Capital Limited is the fund manager of the scheme.

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