Shares of Kalika Laghubitta listed on Nepse after merger

February 17, 2020 | Investopaper

Nepse has listed the shares of Kalika Laghubitta after the merger with Janasewi Laghubitta today.

Nepse has listed 14,43,300 unit shares of Kalika Laghubitta priced Rs. 100 after the merger with Janasewi Laghubitta. The shares are now open for trading in the market.

After the merger, the joint transaction of the company started from Paush 23, 2076 and the company is operating in the name of Kalika Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd.

Janasewi Laghubitta issued 4,63,300 shares worth Rs. 4.63 crores as the IPO.


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