NRB approves dividend of Shrijana Finance
December 25, 2019 | Investopaper
Nepal Rastra Bank has approved the dividend of Shrijana Finance on Poush 8, 2076.
Shrijana Finance has proposed a 15.79 percent dividend to the shareholders. The dividend announcement is from the profit of the fiscal year 2075/76.
The total dividend includes a 15 percent bonus share and a 0.79 percent cash dividend.
At the current capital of Rs. 73.73 crores, the dividend is worth Rs. 11.63 crores. The company will distribute Rs. 11.06 crores bonus share and Rs. 58.20 lakh cash dividend (for tax purpose).
After the approval from Nepal Rastra Bank, the company now needs approval from the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the dividend distribution.