Soaltee, Oriental or Taragaon Regency Hotels? Which hotels share do you prefer?

February 14, 2019 | Investopaper

Three hotel companies namely Soaltee Hotel, Oriental Hotels & Taragaon Regency Hotel have published the second quarter report of F.Y. 2075/76. Which hotel shares would you like to include in your portfolio? See the performance of these hotels based on the unaudited second-quarter report. We have summarized the quarterly performance in the table below. Feel free to share your views regarding which hotel do you prefer among the three.

Headings Soaltee  Oriental Taragaon Regency
Paid up Capital (‘Rs. Crores’) 66.61 107.44 188.67
Reserve & Surplus (‘Rs. Crores’) 92.36 100.8 63.51
Total Revenue (‘Rs. Crores’) 88.05 56.93 69.22
Net Profit (‘Rs. Crores’) 15.16 13.4 21.38  #
EPS (‘Rs.’) 4.45 24.94 11.34
Net worth per share (‘Rs.’) 23.87 193.82 139.21
Current Ratio 1.43 1.48 2.31
Market price per share (‘Rs.’) 206 420 240

Note: # Due to unavailability of Net profit after tax of Taragaon Regency Hotels, we have included Net profit before bonus and tax. This may not be comparable to other hotels


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