Sunrise First Mutual Fund Announces 12.5 Percent Dividend from FY 2080/81
August 9, 2024 | Investopaper
Sunrise First Mutual Fund (SFMF) has announced dividend to its unit-holders. The dividend announcement is from the fiscal year 2080/81.
SFMF has proposed a 12.5 percent cash dividend worth Rs 10.75 crores. The board meeting of Laxmi Sunrise Capital Limited held on Shrawan 24, 2081 BS made the announcement about the dividend.
From the previous fiscal year 2079/80, SEMF had provided a 16 percent cash dividend worth Rs 13.76 crores.
Similarly, from the fiscal year2078/79, the scheme had distributed a 12 percent cash dividend worth Rs 10.32 crores. Likewise, in the fiscal year 2077/78, SFMF had provided a 50 percent cash dividend to its unitholders that amounted to Rs. 43 crores. Similarly, in the fiscal year 2076/77, the mutual fund scheme had distributed a 7 percent cash dividend worth Rs 6.02 crores.
Sunrise First Mutual Fund (SFMF) is a close-ended equity scheme. It has the fund size of Rs 86 crores. The fund has a maturity period of 10 years. The scheme issued shares to the pubic from Ashoj 8, 2076 BS.
Sunrise Capital Limited is the fund manager of the scheme.
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