728 MW Electricity Added To National Grid In Last Fiscal Year

July 21, 2022 | Investopaper

In the last fiscal year, about 728 megawatts (MW) of electricity was added to the national transmission line from various projects including the 456 MW Upper Tamakoshi Hydropower Project.

Until the fiscal year 2077/78, 1,462 MW of electricity was connected to the national grid. Out of its, 647 MW of electricity was generated from the projects under the Nepal Electricity Authority, 22.1 MW through the NEA’s subsidiary company and 793 MW from projects developed by the private sector. 

With the addition of 728 MW from fiscal year 2077/78, the total electricity generation has reached 2,190 MW.

Out of the total electricity connected to the national grid in the last fiscal year, 456 MWs of electricity from Upper Tamakosi Hydropower Project, 52.4 MW from Likhu 4 Hydroelectric Project, 29.4 MW electricity from Likhu Khola A Hydropower Project, 25 MW from Singati Hydropower Project, and 20 MW from Lower Modi Hydroelectric Project, have been added to the national transmission line.

Similarly, 5 MW from Richet Khola Hydropower, 6.2 MW from Lower Jogmai Khola Hydropower Project, 9.51 MW from Mai Beni Hydropower project, 4 MW from Upper Chandi Khola Hydroelectric Project, 11 MW from Lower Khare Khola Hydropower Project, and 6.6 MW from Sapsu Khola Hydroelectric Project, was connected to the national grid.

Also, 2.4 MW was generated from the Upper Syange Hydropower Project, 4.99 MW from the Lower Tadi Hydropower project, 9.94 MW from the Kabeli B1 Cascade Hydroelectric Project, 8.5 MW from the Upper Hewa Khola Hydropower Project, 6.4 MW from the Suri Khola Hydroelectric project, 30 MW from Nyadi Khola Hydroelectric Project, 12 MW from Upper Khimti Hydropower Project, and 7 MW from Upper Khimti Project.

According to NEA, about 10.43 billion units of electricity was consumed in Nepal in the last fiscal year. NEA has projected that 811 MW of electricity will be added to the national grid in the current fiscal year.

Suggested Readings:

List Of Hydro-power Projects Under Construction In Nepal

List Of Hydropower Projects In Nepal (Developed By Private Sector)


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