Data: Total Debt of Nepal Government [Last 47 Years]

March 12, 2024 | Investopaper

The table below presents the data of Total Debt of Nepal Government since the fiscal year 1974/75.

Fiscal Year  Domestic Debt (in Rs. million)  Foreign Debt (in Rs. million)  Total Debt (in Rs. million) Total Debt As a Percent of GDP (in %) Annual Percent Change in Total Debt (%)
1974/75                  599.3                  346.1                  945.4 5.69
1975/76                  737.1                  477.2               1,214.3 6.98 28.44
1976/77               1,013.8                  629.4               1,643.2 9.51 35.32
1977/78               1,224.6                  972.3               2,196.9 11.14 33.70
1978/79               1,395.2               1,320.9               2,716.1 10.40 23.63
1979/80               1,502.8               1,807.3               3,310.1 14.18 21.87
1980/81               1,443.8               2,451.3               3,895.1 14.26 17.67
1981/82               1,900.0               3,177.8               5,077.8 16.39 30.36
1982/83               2,878.1               4,717.6               7,595.7 22.46 49.59
1983/84               4,337.1               6,321.1             10,658.2 27.13 40.32
1984/85               6,031.6               9,203.2             15,234.8 32.70 42.94
1985/86               7,190.2             10,330.2             17,520.4 31.44 15.00
1986/87               8,997.4             15,171.9             24,169.3 37.84 37.95
1987/88             11,636.0             20,826.0             32,462.0 42.21 34.31
1988/89             12,887.9             29,216.9             42,104.8 47.17 29.70
1989/90             14,673.1             36,800.9             51,474.0 49.77 22.25
1990/91             20,855.9             59,505.3             80,361.2 66.76 56.12
1991/92             23,234.9             70,923.9             94,158.8 62.99 17.17
1992/93             25,456.0             87,420.8           112,876.8 65.83 19.88
1993/94             30,631.2           101,966.8           132,598.0 66.54 17.47
1994/95             32,057.9           113,000.9           145,058.8 66.18 9.40
1995/96             34,241.8           128,044.4           162,286.2 65.20 11.88
1996/97             35,890.8           132,086.8           167,977.6 59.88 3.51
1997/98             38,406.6           161,208.0           199,614.6 66.35 18.83
1998/99             49,669.7           169,465.9           219,135.6 64.07 9.78
1999/00             54,357.0           190,691.2           245,048.2 64.57 11.82
2000/01             60,043.8           201,550.6           261,594.4 59.25 6.75
2001/02             73,620.9           220,125.6           293,746.5 63.94 12.29
2002/03             79,518.2           223,433.2           302,951.4 61.55 3.13
2003/04             86,133.7           232,779.3           318,913.0 59.42 5.27
2004/05             87,564.3           219,641.9           307,206.2 52.12 -3.67
2005/06             89,954.9           233,968.6           323,923.5 49.52 5.44
2006/07             99,303.8           216,628.9           315,932.7 43.41 -2.47
2007/08           111,239.1           249,965.4           361,204.5 44.28 14.33
2008/09           120,873.7           277,040.4           397,914.1 40.26 10.16
2009/10           142,859.7           256,243.3           399,103.0 33.46 0.30
2010/11           179,328.4           259,551.8           438,880.2 28.09 9.97
2011/12           209,120.2           309,287.1           518,407.3 29.48 18.12
2012/13           207,001.7           333,441.5           540,443.2 27.73 4.25
2013/14           201,817.5           346,819.1           548,636.6 24.57 1.52
2014/15           196,785.8           343,261.8           540,047.6 22.28 -1.57
2015/16           234,158.0           388,762.8           622,920.8 23.88 15.35
2016/17           283,710.7           413,978.8           697,689.5 22.67 12.00
2017/18           390,898.7           526,154.1           917,052.8 26.54 31.44
2018/19           452,967.7           594,926.2       1,047,893.9 27.16 14.27
2019/20           613,212.0           819,667.1       1,432,879.1 36.85 36.74
2020/21           800,320.1           934,695.2       1,735,015.3 39.86 21.09
2021/22           984,285.2       1,025,847.1       2,010,132.3 40.74 15.86
2022/23       1,125,188.2       1,170,248.8       2,295,437.0 42.66 14.19

Source: PDMO & NRB

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