Food Management & Trading Company Sells 206,721 Quintals Of Food Grains

July 25, 2021 | Investopaper

Food Management and Trading Company Limited has sold 200,000 quintals of food grains in a year. The company has sold 206,721 quintals of rice in the fiscal year 2077/78 BS. The government-owned company has been selling rice, wheat, nuts and induction cookers at a lower price than the market price. The company had set the target of selling 170,000 quintals of food grains.

The Food company has been transporting food to 24 remote and hilly districts and selling it at affordable prices. It  bought paddy from farmers at support price fixed by the government. The government had fixed a minimum support price of Rs 2,735 per quintal for coarse paddy and Rs 2,885 per quintal for medium paddy.



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