Nabil Bank To Provide Loan Of 1 Lakh Without Collateral From Mobile
September 22, 2020 | Investopaper
Nabil Bank has started the facility of taking loan from phone for the first time in Nepal. Nabil, which has given priority to digital banking system, has added the facility that customers can get loan up to Rs.1 lakh from mobile phone.
Nabil Smart Bank Analytical Technology plays an important role in this service. Loans are made available in the account through the customer’s ‘virtual credit card’ within a few minutes of applying. To avail this facility, one has to be a Nabil Smart Bank user. This type of loan will be available for a short period.
Customers wishing to take a loan can apply for a loan using their SmartBank app without having to go to a bank branch and without any paperwork. The bank will float the loan without collateral.
According to Anil Keshari Shah, Chief Executive Officer of the bank, this facility will be very popular due to the features like phone loan without collateral, paperwork, bank branch visit and instant loan. He said, “It is a matter of pride for the first time in Nepal to be able to offer such a simple and easy facility through the Smart Bank app.”
Currently, the bank has been providing services through 119 branches and 184 ATM networks.
“Nabil bank to provide collateral free loan of one lakh” please tell me what are the criterias?
It is good ??
How can i get Rs. 100000/- loan without collateral. Please helf me find.