Nabil Flexi Cap Fund to Distribute 5 Percent Dividend
September 12, 2024 | Investopaper
Nabil Flexi Cap Fund has proposed the dividend to its unit-holders. The dividend announcement is from the fiscal year 2080/81.
NBF2 has declared a 5 percent cash dividend to its unitholders. The board meeting of Nabil Investment Banking Limited held on Bhadra 25, 2081 BS made the announcement about the dividend.
Related: Nabil Balanced Fund-2 (NBF2) Dividend
Nabil Flexi Cap Fund is an open ended-mutual fund scheme operated by the fund manager Nabil Investment Banking Limited under Nabil Mutual Fund. The fund has a size of Rs 62.43 crores [Ashad’s End, 2081 BS].
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