232 New Industries Registered In 9 Months Of Current Fiscal Year

May 8, 2022 | Investopaper

About 232 industries have been registered until the end of Chaitra of this current fiscal year 2078/79. A total of Rs. 266 billion investment has been proposed in these 232 industries. In the corresponding period of the previous year, 169 domestic and foreign industries were registered.

In total, 8,687 industries have been registered so far, according to the Department of Industry. These include 1,281 large, 1,991 medium and 5,415 small scale industries.

During the nine months of FY 2078/79, 67 large, 82 medium and 83 small scale industries were registered. In the corresponding period last year, 33 large, 40 medium and 96 small scale industries were registered. 

According to the Industrial Enterprises Act, 2076, industries with fixed capital of up to Rs. 150 million are considered as small industries, industries with fixed capital between Rs. 150 million to Rs. 500 million are medium and industries with fixed capital above Rs. 500 million are considered large scale industries.


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