NMB Bank conducts financial literacy program in Butwal

August 24, 2019 | Investopaper

NMB Bank conducted a Financial Literacy Program to Butwal Hojiyari Entrepreneurs with a priority on value-based banking on Bhadra 5, 2076. The program was attended by 24 participants and supported by Shrawan Kumar Agrahari, proprietor of Sweta Shubha traders.

The focus of the program was to make these entrepreneurs aware of the bank’s inclination towards productive business consistent with its current theme as”we see endless possibilities “. Information about appropriate loans and deposit products for hojiyari entrepreneurs were shared through this program.

Entrepreneurs responded that the program has been very helpful and informative to them. They have requested the bank to conduct such a program on a regular basis.

As a member of GABV i. e. Global Alliance for Banking on Values, NMB Bank is always trying to invest in the business that creates value to the society, and the country as a whole.



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