Online Marketing Strategies For Startups

Prakriti Nepal

Business is simple- always look at the current scenario and keep a futuristic larger goal- pushed by small concurrent goals and milestones. Is it as simple as this?

Well! Yes! Goal standardizing and defining is surely the prime factor when it comes to running a business- which is also a first step of forming marketing activities for your business to grow with the help of marketing instigation.

Second, I think, “differentiating” is paramount. Differentiating- between every little detail that you need to start a business is a must. For instance- in the case of startups, – differentiate smoothly whether you want a value-driven startup or a money-driven one? Or a hybrid startup giving both value and money? This doesn’t mean that value-driven startups don’t produce money! but it certainly means you need to find out if your (company’s) focus is only on generating money or also of sustaining till eternity? If not eternity- then until when?

Now comes the third most important thing- “Timeline”- or “Time factor”. So, how much time can you invest? and how much time can you juice out from your partners, stakeholders, colleagues, and employees? Analyze! Write it down. Time also determines if you become an entrepreneur, in the long run, aggregating social respect or you simply choose to remain a silent player in the industry with inside knowledge of business tactics. Hmm! time certainly tells all the story- isn’t it?

I think- as important as it is for startups to have enough capital and ideas- it is equally important to have a driven manforce/ human resource with strategic knowledge rather than one skill-focused personnel. You know- skills can be learned but strategies sometimes are also the result of the talent of individuals. Get some talented, trustworthy, simple living- high thinking individuals; these are the people who will make your products, services, or solutions worthy.

Also, don’t forget the runners and the passionate, skillful, tech-driven, law understanding, enthusiastic individuals to have in your team. Hence, your team should be a combination of 1-2 real strategic knowledgeable employees and many skillful employees. Numbers do matter when it comes to startups’ human resource management.

Rule number 5- Keep politics at bay. Yes! Corporate politics or Country politics- these should be a part of strategic, predictive, marketing and branding analysis focused on startups rather than business, management or employees focused when operating startups or any type of organization. Keeping a neutral political mind as a startup owner is necessary, but when it comes to real implementation- in order to become a world-renowned startup- if you want to- if your long term or short term goal is such- then, understand the plus side of politics- rather than the not so pleasing and manipulative side. Keep a circular balance- a chakra balance- don’t let it get in the core- Yup! Yet, let it stay on the lead generation part that touches marketing- be it online or on-premise.

This pretty much sums up the analysis part for overall marketing and branding understanding for how a company wants to procure, operate, channelize and distribute/supply its product to its buyers and end-users. It is foremost important to know your company/business/entrepreneurship venture yourself- before prioritizing and setting your marketing strategies.

Online marketing strategy is nothing different as well. How would you incentivize your physical, ATL BTL marketing, or your growth marketing? Think! and simply implement it in the online scenario- where the first thing you can see in front of you- is a laptop or a mobile, the first thing that you can hear is a song or a webinar, advertisement, or what else? Think!! The first thing that you can touch is your keep pad on a Word(.doc) or a PowerPoint or google doc or search engine or social media? Where? List down. Making a list certainly helps. Also, what is the first thing that you would utter online as a company/ startup owner? Jot it down before initializing marketing in the full phase.

Analyzing all these things- create essence for startups’ online marketing. These are my thoughts- yours can be different- write down your thoughts- just as you are creating a brainstorming marketing article. It will undeniably help.

Understanding The Nuances And Trends Of Online Marketing

In terms of online marketing- “Market” is a larger phenomenon of a crumbled world of the internet, which is a smaller device-based mechanism. Few things which you need to understand when it comes to segregating your market and understanding your market before going all out online – are as follows:

Size of the Market

Where do your customers lie? In the online world, it is the main thing, to see customers everywhere. If your marketing doesn’t focus largely from the international to grassroots level- it won’t create that charm. So, create a market size termed as (Charming Market). Charming market is a term which I have created- you can create any word that depicts desirability, attractiveness which means, that which can create an overall charm.

Investors Focused Segregation

Find out- does your charming market have those people that are willing to invest? Segregate the posh mongers and rational buyers. The one who searches for bewitching beauty to those who see the emotional quotient. The smart questioners to one-timers. The repeaters to commenters. Yes! Search where your focus lies?

What About Your Competition?

Are those businesses/ companies that you see advertising the most, are your competitors or those that are doing wholesale selling without huge drama? If you keep an open eye and don’t miss out on any chances and choices, even your competitors can give you your customers. Though- competitors are usually not situated on the other side- competition lies within the periphery. Sometimes- your company yourself can be the same company’s competition. So, concisely manage the competition. Don’t try to overthrow it, but try to grow up ahead of your competition- empathizing with your competitive edge.

Unique Value Proposition

How do you define uniqueness? I think there is no such thing as unique because everything already exists and it is just about finding out at the right time and right place. Just believing and showcasing uniqueness is important; though- having said that- when it comes to products rather than services- uniqueness as a feature might work, or uniqueness in terms of packaging, voicing opinions, taglines, animations- all things that work on the basis of “impressions” can be unique. Services or solutions on the other hand are unique conceptions in their own forms requiring competitive edge and differentiation.

The Trend of Marketing is Always the Same

This statement can be questionable yet- it is true to the extent that the trend flow might be different from time to time. These trends are usually triggered by technology and innovation- science, generation, and emotions. Let us not forget- natural phenomena which are unexpected. Hence, going by the trend is only as important as having a disaster recovery plan in alignment with your marketing and sustainability and development plan for your company, product, services, and solutions.

Hence, understand and realize the layered aspects of your online marketing before jumping towards detailed aspects. One example of a trend mapping tool is Google Trend.

Some Online Marketing Approaches For 2021- 2022

Keywords are the Keys

Do you remember me mentioning in one of the earlier paragraphs that- you should think about what is the first thing that you type as a company owner? Yes!- In the online world- understanding how keywords work is basic and is foundational when it comes to marketing your products, services, or solutions. Content marketing is the key today also, as it was yesterday and as it is going to be tomorrow. Google accepts wordly algorithms more easily today also. Understand how the “search function” works. There are plenty of products available online that help you generate keywords that make you noticeable in the online world. For eg: As per Digital Information World – Google ranking algorithm works quite smartly- “the presence and location of the words and phrases that are searched in a particular page/article do affect the ranking. Also, linking is very important.

Keyword management is here to stay for a long long time in the online world.

What are Your Core Metrics?

Setting up core metrics in order to target and get the best result is absolutely a must.

For example- In the acquisition funnel that you create for acquiring your customers through online medium- how many signups have you targeted through your pdf downloads, whitepaper downloads, case studies download, webinar signups? For all of these utmost important online marketing techniques- you have to set an achievable target as your core metrics. Compare your target and generation mapping chart every month, quarterly, half-yearly, and annually to understand the interaction and client it has generated.

Don’t Forget the Social Media

Your voice is the prime factor when it comes to social media marketing. Your voice needs to be convincing. Your product or service voice can be a tagline, jingles, theme songs, talks, podcasts. Also, how you portray yourself does matter. Your color theme- your look also matters. Do you remember the impression as in your company’s impression which- I have mentioned in one of the paragraphs earlier?; yup- social media handles are your impression tools. Don’t only focus on it but try to dig out the best from it. For example: In TikTok- there are many small businesses that are directly interacting with prospects and gaining submissive and massive clients. Just see if your startup can in any way cash these social media handles. Don’t go abruptly but create a social media marketing plan separately aligned with your overall marketing plan always.

Building an Online Community

Having your own like-minded community who talks the talk and walks the walk is most essential. These are your targeted buzz creators who will not leave your side ever- in highs and lows. They will help you grow. So, while creating your community- think wisely about- what kind of audiences are you trying to target? Through Reddit, Quora, Instagram, Facebook, Clubhouse, Tiktok, Snapchat, Medium, Mailchimp? After which, – create a sincere community. One example of a sincere community created in less time is that of Isha Foundation- it is scattered worldwide and look at the kind of impact it has created. Massive!

Creating a Network Through links, Adwords, Ads

The good old linking, networking, mentioning, advertising, and Adwords creation- will always work. Get genuine opinions mentioned about your company, products, services, or solutions in various different platforms internationally, nationally, and at the grassroots level. Remember, networking should always be 3600.

Networking will always help you raise that extra profit. Sometimes it can be the only way out to gain main profit also. In the online world- pinning with Pinterest, linking images with pixabay or stock photos- all these can also help. For example- testimonials- video recordings, recommendations, signature campaigns can also create the desired network.

Location Focused Targeting and Segregation

Location-focused targeting and segregation also means device-focused- but why device-focused? Because, it is quite simple- wherever you travel- your device is with you and wherever your customer travels- their device is with them. So what is the location that you will target? How will you target? Thus, to understand location targeting, segregation, and penetration for your startup through online medium- you need to rely upon innovation, technology, and information technology. Utilize best CRMs to maintain and track all the records.

Also, popularity plays a principal role driven by culture, law, and tradition while segregating location.

Defining the Best Time for Online Interaction

Currently, there are many platforms such as Hootsuite, Google Analytics, Tweriod, Sprout Social, that target the audience as per relevant time understanding the age, gender, and relevant demographics. Don’t skip those. Utilize the best one for your business.

In addition to this, see when are your audiences more active?

  • During weekends?
  • During nighttime?
  • During the morning before leaving for the office?
  • In between breaks?

Reap most during those crucial times.

Get the Best ROI Tools

Before telling your team to figure out ROI- you get the ROI set. Smart Insights mentions some latest Marketing ROI Tools such as :

-Google Analytics



-Sprout Social



These can help you generate and understand ROI for your business in the first phase.

Inbound and Outbound Marketing

Neoshore, offshore, outsource marketing strategies need to be well figured out.

This will help in launching marketing campaigns, create traffic, get the best KPIs, settle your Point of Sales through paid campaigns like Pay Per Click (PPC) or organic Search Engine Optimization (SEO) settings- (can be paid too depending upon your budget).

Talk to Your Clients (Existing and Probable)

Chat functionality needs to be more personal than bot-driven because a lot of good leads are missed through unanswered chats. Especially in the case of startups- as soon as your business goes online/live- start interacting, communicating- this is how you keep your clients intact to your business. Make your “business development team members”- chat personnel. Business development personnel will understand the vision and mission of why they are communicating with, prospects, leads, or clients.

Continuously Keep a Check on Updates and Changes

Don’t be a tacky seller and a repetitive marketer. Keep the charm alive. Keep that mystery alive yet being a little more transparent in representation. Remember – money is not the only key factor for generating outcomes for startups because most of the startups rely on investors’ money/capital.

Thus, create an overall blueprint, planning, step-wise strategies of course through proper “budget allocation” for the online marketing strategy of your startup, just as you would perform business planning for your startup’s overall business growth.

From The Author:

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