Prime Life Insurance Announces 13.68 Percent Dividend

October 20, 2022 | Investopaper

Prime Life Insurance Company Limited (PLIC) has proposed a dividend to the shareholders. The dividend announcement is from the fiscal year 2077/78.

The board meeting of the insurance held on Karthik 2, 2079 BS has proposed a 13.6842 percent dividend.

The total dividend includes a 13 percent bonus share and a 0.6842 percent cash dividend. The bonus share is worth Rs 36.13 crores and the cash dividend amounts to Rs 1.90 crores. Hence, the company plans to distribute a total dividend of Rs 38.03 crores.

The dividend is subject to approval from Beema Samiti and the upcoming annual general meeting of the insurance.

From the previous fiscal year 2076/77, PLIC had provided 15.79 percent dividend, including a 15 percent bonus shares. Likewise, from the fiscal year 2075/76, Prime Life Insurance had distributed a 15 percent dividend, including a 7 bonus share and an 8 percent cash dividend to the shareholders.

As of Ashad’s end 2079 BS, Prime Life Insurance has a paid-up capital of Rs 2.78 Arba. After the issue of the bonus share, the capital will rise to Rs. 3.14 Arba.



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