Expert Hydro Investment To Develop 44.52 MW Sani Bheri Hydropower Project In Rukum
February 21, 2023 | Investopaper
Expert Hydro Investment Pvt. Ltd is going to build a 44.52 MW Sani Bheri Hydropower Project in Rukum district. For this purpose, the company has already received the construction license from the Department of Electricity Development.
The department granted the construction permit to the company on Magh 12, 2079 BS. The license has a validity until Magh 11, 2114 BS.
The department has provided the construction license to the promoter company on the basis of the environmental impact assessment report and study report of the project approved by the Ministry of Forest and Environment.
Before issuing the license, the Department Of Electricity Development had issued a notice requesting the stakeholders to submit written opinions/suggestions within 35 days if there is any adverse impact due to the construction and operation of this project.
The project is a run-of-the-river (ROR) type project. It will be built on the Sani Bheri River in Rukum district.
Suggested Readings:
List Of Hydro-power Projects Under Construction In Nepal
List Of Hydropower Projects In Nepal (Developed By Private Sector)