Comparative Performance of 3 Finance: ICFC Vs Shree Investment Vs Reliance Finance

February 5, 2020 | Investopaper

Three national-level finance companies, namely ICFC Finance, Shree Investment Finance & Reliance Finance have already published the second quarter report of the fiscal year 2076/77. Based on the report, we will try to make a financial comparison of these 3 companies.

Among the three, ICFC Finance leads in several financial indicators.

ICFC Finance has the highest paid-up capital and total reserve and surplus with Rs. 88.22 crores and Rs. 42.01 crores.

ICFC Finance also overtakes in deposits as well as loans. The finance has collected Rs. 11.60 Arba in deposits from the customers. Likewise, it has provided total loans of Rs. 8.87 Arba to the customer.

With the higher loans, ICFC Finance has earned a greater net interest income of Rs. 22.21. Also, it has the highest net profit of Rs. 8.20 crores in the 6 months period. Likewise, it has a more distributable profit of Rs. 6.03 crores.

In terms of NPL, Shree Investment Finance has the lowest NPL of 0.44 percent. Whereas, ICFC has a lower base rate of 10.72 percent.

Similarly, EPS & Net worth Per share of ICFC is also higher than the other two with Rs. 18.58 and Rs. 148 respectively.

Which finance company do you prefer? Please share your views in the comment section below.

The financial comparison is also summarized in the table below:

Comparative Performance of 3 Finance: ICFC Vs Shree Investment Vs Reliance Finance

HEADINGS ICFC Finance Shree Investment Finance Reliance Finance
PAID-UP CAPITAL (Rs. In crores) 88.22 82.9 83.24
RESERVE & SURPLUS(Rs. In crores) 42.01 26.72 30.73
DEPOSITS From Customers (Rs. In Arba) 11.6 4.76 4.63
LOANS To Customers (Rs. In Arba) 8.87 4.33 3.48
NET INTEREST INCOME (Rs. In crores) 22.21 14.06 11.83
PROFIT (Rs. In crores) 8.2 6.8 6.22
DISTRIBUTABLE PROFIT (Rs. In crores) 6.03 4.95 4.29
NON PERFORMING LOANS, NPL (%) 0.6 0.44 1.66
BASE RATE(%) 10.72 11.49 12.31
EARNINGS PER SHARE, EPS (Rs.) 18.58 16.4 14.95
NETWORTH PER SHARE (Rs.) 148 132.23 128.13
MARKET PRICE PER SHARE (Rs.) [Poush end, 2076] 160 150 121
P/E RATIO 8.61 9.15 8.09


The above figures are based on the unaudited second-quarter report published by the respective company. Investors are advised to take other things into consideration along with this report while making investment decisions. The numbers may vary after the final audit.


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