Gold price climbs new high: Reasons for the rise in the price of gold

August 26, 2019 | Investopaper

The price of fine gold is at an all-time high in the Nepalese market. The fine gold is trading in the Nepalese market at the price of Rs. 73,500 per tola today (Bhadra 9, 2076). The price of fine gold has increased by Rs. 1,000 per tola from yesterday. For 10 gms of fine gold, the price is Rs. 63,015.

Similarly, the Tejabi gold is trading at Rs. 73,200 per tola as of today. For 10 grams of Tejabi gold, it costs Rs. 62,760. Likewise, the price of silver has also increased to Rs. 860 per tola today (Bhadra 9, 2076). Silver price rose by Rs. 10 per tola from yesterday.

In the last 30 days, the price of gold has surged by more than Rs. 8,500 per tola. The fine gold traded at Rs. 65,000 per tola a month ago.

To know about the causes of the rise in the price of gold also read, 5 Reasons for the recent rise in Gold Price



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