Mahila Laghubitta Reports 44 Percent Rise In Profit [Q1 Report]

November 18, 2021 | Investopaper

Mahila Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (MLBSL) has reported a net profit of Rs 2.86 crores in the first quarter of the current fiscal year 2078/79. As per the unaudited quarterly report, the profit has surged by almost 44 percent as compared to the previous fiscal year. In the same period of the fiscal year 2077/78, MLBSL had earned Rs 1.98 crores in net profit. The rise in profit is mainly due to the increase in net interest income by 60 percent.


Dividend Announcement By Mahila Laghubitta

Mahila Laghubitta’s Performance In FY 2077/78

The first quarterly report of Mahila Laghubitta is also summarized in the table below:

Financial Highlights Of Mahila Laghubitta (MLBSL): Q1, FY 2078/79

Financial Indicators Q1, 2078/79 Q1, 2077/78 Percent Change
Paid up capital(Rs. ‘crores’) 10 10 0.00
Reserve and Surplus (Rs. ‘crores’) 22.89 14.77 54.98
Borrowings (Rs.’Arba’) 2.36 1.53 54.25
Deposits (Rs.’Arba’) 1.01 0.72 40.28
Loans & Advances (Rs.’Arba’) 3.65 2.24 62.95
Net Interest Income (Rs. ‘crores’) 6.55 4.07 60.93
Operating Profit (Rs. ‘crores’) 1.93 1.58 22.15
Net Profit (Rs. ‘crores’) 2.86 1.98 44.44
Non Performing Loans, NPL(%) 3.05 1.26 142.06
Cost of Funds (%) 8.36 6.16 35.71
Earnings Per Share, EPS(Rs.) 114.71
Networth Per Share ( Rs.) 328.94
Market Price Per Share (Rs.) [Ashwin  end, 2078 BS] 5201
P/E Ratio 45.34

Source: Unaudited Q1 Report, FY 2078/79


The above figures are based on the un-audited quarterly report published by the respective company. Investors are advised to take other things into consideration along with this report while making investment decisions. The numbers may vary after the final audit.

Note: If you want to see the reports of other companies, Click Here.


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