Mirmire or Mahuli Laghubitta? Choose the best from the better.

January  29, 2019 | Investopaper

Mirmire Microfinance and Mahuli Laghubitta have published the second quarter report of F.Y. 2075/76. Both microfinance have shown good results in the second quarter. Compare the performance of two and decide which one do you like to invest on. We have summarised the second quarter report of both microfinance for your ease. Feel free to post your comment regarding which company do you prefer.

Headings Mirmire Mahuli
Paid up capital (Rs. ‘crores’) 10.39 7.2
Reserve & Surplus (Rs. ‘crores’) 8.78 16.24
Deposits (Rs. ‘crores’) 58.17 79.13
Loans (Rs. ‘Arab’) 2.08 1.74
Net Interest Income (Rs. ‘Crores’) 5.13 6.76
Net Profit (Rs. ‘Crores) 1.78 2.03
Non Performing Loans,NPL (%) 0.71 1.74
Cost of fund(%) 11.62 10.38
Earnings Per Share,EPS (Rs.) 34.19 56.35
Networth Per Share (Rs.) 184.97 325.57


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