73 MW Middle Tamor Hydropower Project Completes 2200 Meters Tunnel Construction
October 8, 2020 | Investopaper
A 2,200-meter-long tunnel has been built on the Middle Tamor Hydropower Project based on the Tamor River, which flows through the border of Phungling Municipality, Mikwakhola and Phaktanglung Village Municipality of Taplejung. The project is constructing the 3,400 meter long tunnel. Now 1,200 meters of tunnel remains to be built.
A power house is being constructed in the Thumba valley of Khokling through 3,400 meters of long tunnel road by building a 50-meter-long and 11-meter-high dam near Mitlung in Furumbu. Among the projects being constructed in Taplejung, this is the project with highest installed capacity. It is preparing to connect the power generated from the project to the Dhungesanghu sub-station of the Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) at Dhungesanghu in Maiwakhola village municipality through a 12 km long transmission line from the switchyard of the project to the national transmission line.
The project, which was initially estimated to generate 54 MW of electricity to 54 MW, has increased the capacity to 73 MW with the change in headworks.
About The Project
Middle Tamor Hydropower Project (MTHP), is a run-of river (RoR) Project with an installed capacity of 73 MW. The Headworks of the project is located at Phunling Municipality and Phaktanglung Rural Municipality, the Powerhouse is located at Mikwa Khola Rural Municipality at the right bank of the Tamor River in Taplejung district.
The generation license of the project was obtained initially for 54 MW on June 5, 2017. Subsequently, the design was revised and generation license for revised capacity of 73MW was obtained on December 10, 2018.
Suggested Readings:
List Of Hydropower Projects In Nepal (Developed By Private Sector)
List Of Hydro-power Projects With Construction License