NLG Insurance calls SGM; 60 percent right share
May 5, 2019 | Investopaper
NLG Insurance has informed Nepal Stock Exchange( NEPSE) about its upcoming Special General Meeting (SGM). The board of directors meeting held on Baisakh 20, 2076 has decided to organize the meeting on Jestha 14, 2076. The SGM will take place after 10 A.M at the Russian Center of Science and Culture, Kamalpokhari.
The major agenda for the Special General Meeting is to issue 10:6 right share to the shareholders. The current paid-up capital is Rs. 64.04 crores. After the issue of 60 percent right, the company is planning to meet the paid-up capital of Rs. 1 Arba. The capital will rise to Rs. 102.47 crores after the right issue.
For the purpose of SGM, the book close date is set at Jestha 6, 2076. Shareholders purchasing shares before the book close date are eligible to participate in the SGM.