Payment Of Employees Provident Fund Loan Through Bank Of Kathmandu

November 27, 2020 | Investopaper

The borrowers taking the loans from  Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) can repay its principal and interest from Bank of Kathmandu Limited (BOKL). This facility has been availed after an agreement was reached between the fund and the bank in this regard. As per the agreement, the principal and interest to be paid to the provident fund can be paid from any branch of Bank of Kathmandu.

The borrowers who have taken any loan or borrowing from the fund will be able to repay the installment amount including principal and interest, which will save the time of the customer and make the payment easily from the bank without any hassle, the bank said. Bank of Kathmandu is currently providing banking facility through 89 branches, 78 ATMs and 10 extension counters.


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