Upper Solu Khola Hydropower Project to Generate Electricity Within Chaitra

January 12, 2022 | Investopaper

About 92 percent of the work of the Upper Solu Khola Hydropower Project under construction in Solukhumbu has been completed. Beni Hydropower Company is constructing the 19.8 MW project. As per the company, the work of the dam and powerhouse is nearing completion. Penstock pipe connection work is in full swing.

The project was scheduled to start generating electricity from the last Mangsir. However, due to the COVID-19 epidemic and incomplete transmission line, the construction of the project was delayed.

Now, the company expects to complete the construction and generate electricity within the next 3 months. Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) has also completed the construction of 132 KV Solu Corridor transmission line. The electricity generated by the project will be connected to Tinla substation. The company is constructing the necessary transmission line from the powerhouse to Tinla substation.

The estimated per megawatt cost of the project is Rs 18 crores. Four banks, including NMB Bank, Nepal Bangladesh Bank, and Siddhartha Bank have provided loan financing for the project.


List Of Hydropower Projects In Nepal (Developed By Private Sector)

List Of Hydro-power Projects With Construction License


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