Asian markets positive after US shutdown ends

January  28, 2019 | Investopaper

After the record long partial government shutdown ended in the US, investors of Asian share market gained some confidence to invest in stocks. As a result, share market in Asia mostly rose this Monday. Still, the uncertainty over China-US coming into an agreement after resolving their trade disputes has affected the market sentiments.

The market rise was observed in Hongkong, China, South Korea, and other Southeast Asian countries. To the contrary, the Japanese market lost 0.4% this Monday after investors were still concerned about trade disputes between two economic giants.

Similarly, the US stock market on Friday didn’t react to the temporary reopening of the federal government after it was closed for 35 days. There is still a  doubt over the permanent settlement of the shutdown as it may come into effect again after three weeks.

Last week, US market gained points after the stock price of technological and industrial companies increased in response to their strong fourth quarter reports.






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