Data: Status of Cooperatives in Nepal

April 10, 2024 | Investopaper

The following table presents a comprehensive overview of the basic status of cooperatives in Nepal, spanning from the fiscal year 2012/13 to 2020/21. Through key metrics such as the number of institutions, members, share capital, savings mobilization, loan investment, and direct employment, this data offers insights into the evolving situation of cooperative enterprises in Nepal. We can discern trends, patterns, and fluctuations that reflect the sector’s economic vitality, its role in financial intermediation, and its contribution to employment generation.

Rs. In Ten Million

Fiscal Year Number of Institutions Number of Member  Share Capital Savings Mobilization Loan Investment Number of Direct Employment
2012/13                           27,914.0                4,104,025.0             2,882.3                       14,707.0                13,708.5                                        52,000.0
2013/14                           31,177.0                4,555,286.0             6,118.6                       17,252.9                15,463.2                                        54,000.0
2014/15                           32,663.0                5,100,370.0             6,306.0                       20,242.1                18,807.8                                        57,854.0
2015/16                           33,599.0                6,030,857.0             7,135.8                       29,572.8                28,982.5                                        56,475.0
2016/17                           34,512.0                6,305,581.0             7,317.9                       30,216.5                27,371.0                                        60,517.0
2017/18                           34,512.0                6,451,333.0             7,609.5                       31,122.9                27,371.0                                        61,122.0
2018/19                           34,737.0                6,512,340.0             7,634.0                       34,558.0                33,271.3                                        63,500.0
2019/20                           34,837.0                6,515,460.0             7,724.0                       35,058.0                34,171.0                                        68,400.0
2020/21                           29,886.0                7,307,462.0             9,410.0                       47,796.0                42,626.0                                        88,309.0

Source: Cooperative Department

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