Earnings Per Share (EPS) Of Finance Companies In Nepal
November 19, 2021 | Investopaper
Earnings Per Share (EPS) is the one of the important indicators while analyzing the profitability of the company. Higher EPS is more preferable to the investors as it will translate into higher dividends. Hence, investors value companies with greater EPS and provide higher share prices to those companies.
Earnings Per Share (EPS) is calculated by dividing the net profit of the company by its total number of shares. Here, we have calculated the EPS of finance companies of Nepal.
Note: The Earnings Per Share (EPS) of finance companies is based on the unaudited first quarterly report of the fiscal year 2078/79. The EPS is annualized for the purpose of comparison. After the audit, the numbers may vary.
The table below ranks the finance companies of Nepal based on the Earnings Per Share (EPS).
Earnings Per Share (EPS) Of Finance Companies In Nepal
S.N. | Finance Company | Stock Symbol | Earnings Per Share, EPS (Rs) |
1 | Best Finance Company Ltd. | BFC | 58.44 |
2 | Goodwill Finance Co. Ltd. | GFCL | 32.8 |
3 | ICFC Finance Limited | ICFC | 18.6 |
4 | Janaki Finance Ltd. | JFL | 18.6 |
5 | Progressive Finance Limited | PROFL | 16.8 |
6 | Shree Investment Finance Co. Ltd. | SIFC | 12.48 |
7 | Manjushree Finance Ltd. | MFIL | 11.88 |
8 | Guweshowori Merchant Bank & Finance Co. Ltd. | GMFIL | 11.88 |
9 | Reliance Finance Ltd. | RLFL | 9.56 |
10 | Gurkhas Finance Ltd. | GUFL | 7.6 |
11 | Central Finance Co. Ltd. | CFCL | 6.16 |
12 | Nepal Finance Ltd. | NFS | 2.84 |
13 | Samriddhi Finance Company Limited | SFCL | 1.92 |
14 | Pokhara Finance Ltd. | PFL | 0.52 |
15 | Multipurpose Finance Company Limited | MPFL | 0.2 |
Source: unaudited Q1 report, FY 2078/79
Among the finance companies in Nepal, Best Finance Company has the highest earnings per share (EPS) of Rs. 58.44. Goodwill Finance Co. Ltd is second to Best Finance Company in terms of EPS with Rs 32.8. Similarly, ICFC Finance has the Earnings Per Share (EPS) of Rs 18.60. On the other hand, Multipurpose Finance Company has the lowest EPS of Rs 0.2.
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