Dividend History Of RMDC Laghubitta

mber 6, 2022 | Investopaper

RMDC Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited, previously known as “Rural Microfinance Development Centre Ltd”, is a wholesale lending organization in Nepal. RMDC commenced its microfinance lending operation from January 2000. The promoters hold 70 percent ownership while the general public possess 30 percent share. The major promoters include Standard Chartered Bank Nepal, Nabil Bank, Himalayan Bank, Nepal Investment Bank,Nepal Bank and Nepal Rastra Bank among others.

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Since the issue of the IPO to the general public, RMDC Laghubitta has consistently provided dividend to the shareholders. The microfinance has distributed the dividend ranging from 13 percent to 31.58 percent.

The table below shows the dividend history of RMDC Laghubitta over the years.

Dividend History Of RMDC Laghubitta

Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Cash Dividend (%) Bonus Share (%) Total Dividend  (%)
2009/10 2066/67 13 0 13
2010/11 2067/68 0 0 0
2011/12 2068/69 0 0 0
2012/13 2069/70 15 0 15
2013/14 2070/71 21.58 10 31.58
2014/15 2071/72 10 16.32 26.32
2015/16 2072/73 10 10 20
2016/17 2073/74 15 5 20
2017/18 2074/75 10 10 20
2018/19 2075/76 12.5 12.5 25
2019/20 2076/77 5 15 20
2020/21 2077/78 5 20 25
2021/22 2078/79 1.3684 26 27.3684

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