Dividend History Of Everest Bank Limited (EBL)

September 8, 2024 | Investopaper

Everest Bank Limited (EBL)  is one of the leading commercial banks of Nepal. It was established in 1994 in a joint venture with Punjab National Bank (PNB). Punjab National Bank (PNB) holds a 20 percent ownership share in Everest Bank.

Over the years, Everest Bank has provided healthy returns to the shareholders. The bank has provided the maximum dividend of 70 percent since the fiscal year 2059/60. The lowest dividend to date is 10.32 percent.

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The table below presents the dividend history of Everest Bank Limited since the fiscal year 2059/60.

Dividend History Of Everest Bank Limited (EBL)

Fiscal Year Cash Dividend (%) Bonus Share (%) Total Dividend  (%)
2059/60 20 0 20
2060/61 20 0 20
2061/62 0 20 20
2062/63 25 0 25
2063/64 10 30 40
2064/65 20 30 50
2065/66 30 30 60
2066/67 30 30 60
2067/68 50 10 60
2068/69 0 30 30
2069/70 50.53 10 60.53
2070/71 50 12 62
2071/72 6.57 30 36.57
2072/73 0 70 70
2073/74 1.74 33 34.74
2074/75 20 0 20
2075/76 20 5 25
2076/77 5.53 5 10.53
2077/78 4.32 6 10.32
2078/79 7.68 13 20.68
2079/80 10.53 10 20.53
2080/81 5.53 10 15.53

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Investopaper is a financial website which provides news, articles, data, and reports related to business, finance and economics.

One thought on “Dividend History Of Everest Bank Limited (EBL)

  • January 22, 2021 at 9:03 pm

    I am trying to find some info prior to 2070. I am trying to find out how many time Nepal Investment ( formally known Nepal Indosuez Bank) issued right and bonus share. I would highly appreciate . I couldn’t find any AGM report prior to 2068. I couldn’t visit to Invest Bank or stock exchange cause I am outside Nepal. If possible please provide with date and ratio.
    thanks in advance


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